
Accelerated Product Developmentソリューションで自動車コンセプト開発と製品設計を加速


おおよその視聴時間38 分


シーメンスのAccelerated Product Developmentソリューションは、より良い設計を開発早期に特定するためのツールを備えています。

Today's automotive manufacturers face intensified competition from more technology-driven market players, rapidly changing consumer demands, and increased regulatory requirements. Staying ahead of the competition will require new engineering processes that enable a faster, more cost-effective, and more efficient innovation pace to deliver next-generation vehicles profitably.

In this webinar, discover how Siemens Accelerated Product Development solution enables:

  • A flexible design approach
  • Comprehensive integrated vehicle design automation
  • Generative engineering
  • Design collaboration across domains

Benefits of Siemens Accelerated Product Development Solution for better product concept development and design

The traditional engineering approach inhibits the development of high-quality complex products. Integration and cross-collaboration of development activities are crucial in providing the necessary sharing and collaboration of key design elements for next-generation vehicle safety, light-weighting, performance, and fuel economy. With Siemens Accelerated Product Development solutions, automakers can break down traditional silos to enable better product
concept development and product development.

Identify better designs early in automotive product concept development

All physics domains must be included in today’s vehicle development process, including electrical, electronic, mechanical, and software. It is insufficient to excel at mechanical development if the products do not work electronically, and vice versa. New integrated simulation technologies allow quick assessment of numerous design concepts based on available design parameters. Siemens Accelerated Product Development solution provides the tools needed to identify better designs early in the development cycle, resulting in more innovative products that offer a competitive advantage.

Speed up while reducing costs with automotive generative engineering

To reshape existing products and develop next-generation products, designers combine traditional technologies, such as feature modeling, with new technologies, like design optimization and convergent modeling. This revolution, known as generative engineering, changes design processes, simulation productivity, and additive manufacturing. Automotive companies can leverage the power of these new emerging manufacturing approaches with Siemens Accelerated Product Development solution to speed up while reducing costs.



Greg Roth


Greg Rothはシーメンスデジタルインダストリーズソフトウェアの自動車および輸送機器ソリューション担当ディレクターです。
それ以前は、フォード自動車、イートン・コーポレーション、アムコー・パッケージングの役職を歴任しました。最近では、ミシガン州リヴォニアにあるZF-TRW Automotive North America Braking SystemsのCAEおよびNVH部門のチーフエンジニアを務めました。



Thomas Spangler


CAD/PLMの分野で25年以上の経験があります。そのうちの15年は、自動車OEMとサプライヤーに携わってきました。1993年、フォード自動車で設計者としてキャリアをスタートさせてから、フォードおよびVisteonにて設計やIT、データ管理などさまざまな職を歴任しました。2006年にMBA (経営学修士号) を修めた後、2008年、マーケティング・マネージャーとしてシーメンスに入社しました。シーメンスでは、いくつもの製品の立ち上げ、マーケティング・キャンペーンをはじめとする多くのプロジェクトに参画し、貢献しています。
