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Meeting the requirements of the digital thread with simulation process and data management

Tempo di visione stimato: 28 minuti


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Meeting the requirements of the digital thread with simulation process and data management

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Calling all engineering managers, directors, analysts and engineers! Watch this session to learn about how a company can more fully realize the value and benefits of the digital thread by implementing a simulation and process management solution.

Rick Licursi and Raghav Kashi of the Siemens Simulation Process and Data Management Center of Excellence will provide an overview of how Teamcenter Simulation can be used to effectively manage the simulation digital twins that are developed as a part of the engineering and design process. Specific capabilities of Teamcenter Simulation such as easy search, revision control, dashboards and the open and flexible tool integration framework will be introduced.

Next, Rob Cassidy from the A-10 SPO (Air Force System Program Office) reviews the journey in selecting Teamcenter Simulation for a planned deployment in 2023. Since 2008, the A-10 SPO has been leading the effort in using cutting-edge technology to meet the requirements of the digital thread. Currently, the A-10 SPO has started the implementation of SPDM (simulation process and data management) with Teamcenter Simulation to ensure engineers and analysts are using the right data for the right analysis. This presentation explores the benefits of SPDM in operations, sustainment and validation airworthiness requirements.

The final presenter of this session, Tom Stoumbos, PhD of the Northrop Grumman Space Systems Simulation & Test (S&T) group will discuss how Teamcenter Simulation has been chosen as a pilot program to connect key simulation components of the digital thread to drive digital transformation within the S&T group. The Northrop Grumman Tactical Space Sector S&T group works within the confines of the “Digital Transformation” initiative that ultimately leads to digital twin. A digital twin will be an invaluable resource in the future when complex space vehicles are launched into space. The benefits of Teamcenter Simulation will serve to create an intimate network between high fidelity mathematical models of the space vehicles (digital twin) and the actual physical space vehicles. All this will take place in an agile TcSim environment incorporating data analytics, process automation, Design of Experiment algorithms and model correlation which lead to an optimized design. Watch to see how these concepts drive a high-quality digital twin.

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Northrop Grumman Space Systems Simulation and Test

Tom Stoumbos, PHD


Air Force System Program Office

Rob Cassidy


Siemens Digital Industries Software

Raghav Kashi

Solution Architect in the Simulation Management COE

Raghav Kashi is currently a Solution Architect in the Simulation Management COE at Siemens Digital Industries Software. He possesses rich experience working with many customers globally across industries providing solutions in simulation data and process management. In his previous role he was the product manager for Teamcenter Simulation defining product capabilities, working with customers to define product direction, and enabling/supporting the sales teams. Raghav holds a master’s degree in International Automotive Engineering from University of Hertfordshire, UK.

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Rick Licursi

Senior technical development manager

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