webinar on-demand

Is your powertrain roadmap digital enough?


Is your powertrain roadmap digital enough?

OEMs face the challenge of increased emissions regulations while addressing commercial and environment pressures. At the start of the decade, less the 4% of new vehicles sold in Europe were fully electrified, with the majority having conventional internal combustion engines. Regulations for both passenger cars, light-duty vehicles, and to some extent marine applications, are so diverse that the majority will still include some form of internal combustion engine through 2035.

Consequently, to tackle these challenges, significant innovation and research are underway, geared toward increasing engine performance, improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions. Designs driven by manual test are no longer sustainable, leading to widespread adoption of digital analysis in the powertrain design process. Join this webinar and learn why virtual design will enable you to master these challenges in the coming years, as OEMs strive to meet next-generation regulations.

What will you learn?

Real-life testing falls short of an optimal approach for evaluating numerous concepts and designs. Exploring different engine technologies and associated hybrid complexities will require system integration and process changes. Furthermore, these designs must be compliant with even stricter emissions regulations. All these elements will impact the overall design of future engines.

Learn how the Simcenter portfolio combines simulation capabilities to deploy the most appropriate engineering approaches to manage the following applications:

  • Alternative fuels, hydrogen, gas
  • Technologies to improve thermal and overall engine efficiencies
  • Integrated after-treatment
  • Simplified and disruptive powertrains

Presented by:


Siemens Digital Industry Software (Simcenter Amesim)

Landry Saussol

Powertrain Business Developer