Webinar on-demand

Improving heavy equipment performance engineering

Tempo di visione stimato: 60 minuti


Engineers reviewing a tablet with performance data for heavy equipment

Connected. Autonomous. Smart. Electrified.

Those trends are shaping the future of heavy equipment. But the necessary product capabilities to enable them increase complexity, particularly with greater interaction between mechanics, electronics, and software. To avoid getting stuck in endless iterations, heavy equipment manufacturers are drastically revising their approaches to equipment performance engineering. Are you with them?

In this webinar, Mr. Jim Brown, President of Tech-Clarity, outlines what is driving those technology trends. He describes how they are disrupting the heavy equipment industry landscape, as established players are adopting new processes for product design and equipment performance engineering, while entrants are lurking to claim their place in the heavy equipment ecosystem with innovative solutions and business models. The industry is in full transformation. And you cannot afford to miss out.

Deploy predictive engineering

Following the presentation, there will be a panel discussion between Mr. Brown and Digital Twin experts from Siemens Digital Industries Software, focusing on what it takes to deploy predictive equipment performance engineering. This first-time-right approach is the only way to successfully master the increasing complexity of innovative equipment design. You will learn more about which elements are necessary to avoid endless iterations and prototyping loops, which challenges you might face while implementing those, and why Siemens could be an excellent partner to guide you in this process.

Tech-Clarity on virtual prototypes and holistic modeling

In a recent report, Tech-Clarity, a U.S.-based research firm that studies the business vale of technology, describes the tremendous business value of predictive equipment performance engineering, as well as its potential to unlock new levels of innovation and performance. Discover how increasing performance engineering maturity through virtual prototypes and holistic modeling can improve efficiency and reduce costs.

The findings described in the Tech-Clarity report correspond well to Siemens’ vision on which components should be part of predictive equipment performance engineering to be successful with today’s complex product design and engineering. Siemens also converted that vision into a comprehensive set of software solutions. Most of those relate to one of the following three categories:

  • Real-world physics simulation
  • CAE automation
  • Integrated field data analytics
  • Watch this webinar and learn the latest digital technologies in heavy equipment engineering



Jim Brown


Siemens Digital Industries Software

Hendrik Lange

Industry Lead, Heavy Equipment

Hendrik Lange ricopre la posizione di Industry Lead Heavy Equipment Industry per Siemens Digital Industries Software. Nel suo ruolo, Hendrik si concentra sull'indirizzamento strategico di DI SW per questo settore. Questo include le attività Go-to Market e la definizione di soluzioni specifiche per il settore Heavy Equipment per fornire valore ai nostri clienti.

Prima di questo incarico, Hendrik ha avuto la responsabilità di Solution Director globale per il settore Automotive & Transportation, è stato responsabile marketing del settore Automotive nell'area EMEA e ha ricoperto diversi ruoli di prevendita, postvendita e business consulting in Germania.

Prima di entrare in Siemens nel 1999, Hendrik ha lavorato per EDS in Germania e a Charlotte, NC. Ha conseguito una laurea magistrale in ingegneria meccanica.

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Erik Goslawski

Heavy Equipment Solution Director

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