webinaire à la demande

What's new in NX Academic 2023

NX CAD for Academic


A female student sitting at a computer screen with keyboard, mouse and 3d modeling software on the screen.

Students and educators that utilize the NX Academic Edition are invited to join this webinar to learn about the newest applications from the recent releases of NX CAD, and the benefits of incorporating new software and features into your engineering curriculum.

In this NX Academic webinar, engineering students and educators will learn:

  • Benefits of using, teaching and learning the newest NX CAD software
  • What's new in NX CAD
  • How to update your NX Academic version
  • Information about the NX Certification, digital badging and additional student resources

Who should join this NX Academic webinar?

This “What’s new in NX” webinar is ideal for students and educators that utilize the NX Academic Edition at their school. While access to NX Academic Edition is not required to attend, new features shared in this webinar may not be available in the free NX Student Edition.

To learn more about the NX Academic edition, check out the NX Academic fact sheet. If you are an educator interested in becoming part of the Siemens Academic Partner Program and receiving free NX Academic licenses for your school, please apply for an Academic partner grant.

À propos de l'intervenant

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Tina Kharoufeh

Product Design Intern

Tina is a Product Design Intern from Nottingham Trent University, currently contributing to the Product Engineering Software team at Siemens Digital Industries Software. Her main focus is enhancing the realism of objects, as well as designing and visualizing various objects using different features within the NX software.

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