webinaire à la demande

Unlocking global opportunities with ISO certifications for SMBs

Durée estimée : 39 minutes


A worker drilling a series of holes out of a piece of wood furniture.

Are you involved in the design, engineering, or testing of manufactured products? Are you looking to ensure compliance with noise and vibration ISO standards and regulations but finding the process complex and overwhelming?

Join us for this webinar where we delve into the domain of ISO standards and certifications, focusing on their relevance for manufactured products, while also explaining how to test products for compliance with these standards. Our expert speaker will cover:

  • Relevant ISO Standards and Regulations: Gain clarity on global ISO standards, industry-specific regulations and the hierarchy of standards governing manufactured products.
  • Examples of Products Requiring Compliance: Explore real-world examples of products that are required to adhere to ISO standards.
  • Compliance Strategies and Processes: Learn about the process of complying with ISO standards, as well as an overview of the tools and equipment required to comply with applicable regulations.

Insights on Sound and Vibration Compliance:

  • Intensity-based Sound Power: Understand what it is, how to measure it and the available tools and technologies.
  • Pressure-based Sound Power: Dive into the process of measurement, tools and technologies involved.
  • Human-body Vibration: Learn about measurement techniques, processes and available tools for compliance.

Attend the webinar to gain insights into product testing strategies, proactive quality analysis, and expand into global markets by complying with local regulations and standards. In this session, you will also learn how leading companies like HILTI and Briggs and Stratton are leveraging product testing capabilities to improve the quality of their products, comply with global regulations and standards, and expand into international markets.

À propos de l'intervenant

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Franck Demesmaeker

Responsable du développement commercial pour les solutions mécaniques

Frank Demesmaeker a obtenu un diplôme d'ingénierie civile en 1994 à la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgique) et a commencé à travailler chez LMS International - aujourd'hui Siemens - en tant qu'assistant technique pour les clients de la région du Benelux. Au fil des ans, il a acquis une connaissance approfondie et une expérience pratique des questions liées au bruit et aux vibrations auprès de clients du monde entier, tant d'un point de vue technique que commercial et marketing. Frank contribue actuellement au développement et à la mise au point des applications de test sur des marchés comme ceux de l'énergie, de la médecine, des produits de consommation, de la construction navale, des établissements d'enseignement et, plus largement, des machines mécaniques.

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