webinaire à la demande

Unleash the power of an integrated CAE workflow for efficient design of fast boats

Durée estimée : 44 minutes


CAE integrated workflow

The range of increasingly demanding performance requirements that vessels need to meet today requires a new approach to design. Integrated multidisciplinary analysis using digitalization as the backbone is the key. Watch this on-demand webinar to learn how to gain a competitive advantage by integrating computer-aided engineering (CAE) throughout the entire process.

Using an example of a fast search and rescue vessel, we will demonstrate how you can leverage simulation within an integrated digital framework to:

  • Design optimal marine propulsion systems with waterjets
  • Verify its performance in a virtual wave tank
  • Assess the structural integrity of the vessel
  • Assess the occupant safety.

Acquire detailed knowledge on how to utilize an integrated ship design process

In this webinar, you will learn how Siemens Xcelerator Share helps you collaborate on design and engineering projects in the cloud. Learn how you can create a propulsion system with systems simulations and deploy it in a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) self-propulsion simulation to assess the maximum speed. You will discover how you can seamlessly transfer pressure loads from our CFD simulation to our FEA simulations for the structural integrity assessment. Learn how you can use automated design exploration to achieve the optimal hull structure, and how you can use simulation to assess occupant safety. All of this is within a fully integrated environment.

Easy collaboration with external partners

Designing a vessel often requires close collaboration with external partners, where it is important to share data in a safe and fast way. Watch this webinar to learn how simulation including external collaboration can help you innovate for the best vessel design.

What else will you learn?

This webinar will touch on the following topics:

  • Collaboration on design and engineering projects in the cloud
  • System simulation for marine propulsion
  • Self-propulsion CFD simulation coupled with the propulsion system model using FMU
  • Seamlessly using pressure loads from CFD on your FEA model for assessing structural integrity
  • Using automated design exploration to find the optimal hull structure
  • Assessing occupant safety

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn more about the value of using an integrated ship design process.

À propos de l'intervenant

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Emile Arens

Senior Application Engineer

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