webinaire à la demande

Facilitate collaborative controls and embedded software development using an integrated simulation toolchain


Facilitate collaborative controls and embedded software development using an integrated simulation toolchain

With the growing complexity coming with all the electrification of vehicle, autonomous driving and active safety systems, the use of model-based embedded software development has emerged as a core enabler for digital transformation of processes and organizations, using models to formalize relationships between the different stakeholders of complex engineering projects.

Using models as contracts, embedded software development makes it possible to outsource implementation activities and for OEMs to focus on the top parts of the V-cycle: requirement engineering, design, integration, validation and release, while managing variability in the application life cycle (ALM).

In this 45 minutes webinar, an expert in embedded software development, will introduce how our simulation solutions help controls and software engineering departments to:

  • Reduce software development cost and time significantly using a digital twin approach
  • Create software architecture models that act as the digital twin to model controls and embedded software
  • Frontload the test and verification activities and bridge the software, electronics and mechanical silos.