webinar a la carta

An assessment of the digital maturity of machine builders in the UK and Ireland

The impact of digitalization on machine builders

Tiempo estimado de visualización: 25 minutos


Digital readiness of UK and Ireland machine builders

Machine builders who are digitally ready can respond to market trends and changing customer demands faster, better and at lower cost. Those at the leading edge are creating new business models, surrounding their hardware with value-added digital services.

What is the digital maturity of machine builders? Is there a sense of urgency, and what are the business priorities? What are the roadblocks and challenges, and how are machine builders addressing them? Can machine builders articulate a clear strategy for digitalization? Is the infrastructure and technology in place, and what role does workplace culture play? What can customers reasonably expect from their machine builders?

Our benchmark survey assessed the extent to which machine builders are set to address the challenges and seize the opportunities. The results will illuminate and inform – and give rise to yet more questions.

You will learn:

  • What machine builders see as their top challenges today and the challenges they believe will confront them in 2026
  • Where they expect the impact of digitalization to be most profound
  • The overall state of digital readiness among machine builders in the UK and Ireland
  • What surprised us, what did not and what left us wondering about the digital readiness of machine builders

This webinar will be of interest to:

Engineering, manufacturing and operations professionals interested in best-practices and the latest thinking in digitalization.

Conoce al invitado

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Ben Sheath

Vice President and Managing Director

Ben leads a team dedicated to helping UK and Ireland customers realize the value of digitalisation and Industry 4.0. Prior to his current role he was UK Consulting Director for Siemens Industry Software. He joined Siemens via the acquisition of UGS in 2007 and has worked with some of the UK’s leading companies across many industries.
Ben has a degree in Engineering and is loves problem solving. He lives on the Isle of Wight and enjoys sailing.