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Smart factories for small to medium manufacturers: How to get from here to there

Realize LIVE | Solid Edge | Small and medium business | Streamlining operations

Tiempo estimado de visualización: 62 minutos


Logo for Realize LIVE, a Siemens Digital Industries Software event for technical users, deployment managers, process leaders and partners
Smart factories for small to medium manufacturers: How to get from here to there

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The smart factory will be the only factory in the future, so getting from here to there is of paramount importance. In this panel discussion, experts from Siemens will define a “smart factory,” examine key considerations in understanding its value and explore important takeaways for how small and medium-sized businesses can take advantage of the technologies involved.

In the swarm of buzzwords surrounding today’s manufacturing sector, the “smart factory” or “factory of the future” buzz is especially prominent. Unprecedented computational capability and ubiquity are giving smaller manufacturing firms access to data that has previously been reserved for major players. If analyzed correctly, smaller firms can use this data to improve efficiency, sustainability, quality, and time-to-market.

In this discussion, we will cover:

  • What is a Smart factory?
  • Smart technologies such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things, sensors, reporting and analytics software, machine learning and AI and digital twins
  • How to mitigate risk using simulation
  • How monitoring produces actionable data

Small and medium-sized manufacturers can become the smart factories of the future. Watch to learn how quickly this can be achieved.

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Conoce al invitado

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Mike Denley

Director sénior de Portfolio

Mike Denley dirige el desarrollo y la coordinación de programas e iniciativas estratégicas clave del IoT industrial para aumentar y mejorar los resultados que implican al producto, los clientes y los partners que trabajan con la gestión de productos empresariales, la investigación y el desarrollo y los partners estratégicos. Ha ocupado numerosos puestos directivos con una amplia variedad de responsabilidades en desarrollo de productos de software, gestión de productos, gestión de proyectos y operaciones. Su experiencia académica e industrial incluye estudios de grado y posgrado en Gestión de la Calidad Total, Diseño y Desarrollo de Software, Cambio Organizativo, Lean, Six Sigma y Análisis Empresarial centrado en la Sostenibilidad. Además, Mike Denley participa activamente como voluntario en organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y en iniciativas locales.

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