on-demand webinar

Operations management efficiency for CPG manufacturing processes

Due to a fast-changing world, buying behavior of customers has drastically changed, putting traditional CPG manufacturing processes under pressure. Digitalization of production processes enables overcoming this.

Estimated Watching Time: 28 minutes


Operations Management Efficiency for CPG Manufacturing Processes

In this fast-changing world, globalization of supply chains and markets increases food standards and regulatory requirements. Also, demand for an ever-changing wider variety of higher quality, personalized products at a lower price is expanding. Furthermore, companies are pushed to become more transparent about their supply chain processes by offering full traceability of their products.

In this on-demand webinar, we explain how you can meet fast-changing customer needs in this ever-changing environment by leveraging integrated manufacturing operations, which provides more efficient and flexible manufacturing. We use pressing examples of traceability, quality, and on-time delivery to demonstrate Siemens’ Opcenter Manufacturing Operation Management for CPG.

Who should view:

Everyone who has an interest in the manufacturing domain of the CPG industry and wants to learn how manufacturing challenges can be overcome by Siemens’ Opcenter in the areas of manufacturing execution, scheduling, quality, and intelligence.

What you will learn:

  • Today’s key trends in the CPG industry
  • How the digital enterprise and digital twin help overcome today’s CPG industry challenges
  • How Opcenter Integrated Manufacturing Operations (IMO) for CPG supports delivering efficiency and flexibility, knowing that the cost of customer acquisition is 7x higher than retaining a current one
  • How Opcenter Integrated Manufacturing Operations (IMO) for CPG ensures quality and traceability, keeping in mind the enormous direct and indirect costs of a product recall

Meet the speaker

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Frederik Verwimp

Global Industry Manager CPG

Frederik Verwimp is the global Industry Manager CPG in Siemens Digital Industry Software. Having worked in the CPG industry for over 10 years, he has an excellent understanding of the challenges that the industry is facing, and which solutions are necessary to overcome these challenges.

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