on-demand webinar

Drive cycle based design and optimization of electric machines


Drive cycle based design and optimization of electric machines

Developing modern electric machines requires the deployment of a complex process. System and component-level analysis and optimization are carried out iteratively to converge to the best possible design. Pushing innovation to the next level requires better insights on system performance under precise and realistic operating conditions. Taking vehicle drive cycles into account inherently enables superior design outcomes at system and component levels.

In this webinar, our experts will demonstrate the impact of considering a drive cycle-based design approach for traction motors. They will explore how the application cycle extracts the required machine performance characteristics, design initialization and iterations, and validation. Learn about system-level simulations and multi-physics aspects of the design process, including the machine's thermal and acoustic behavior.

Get better insights on how driver behavior impacts machine design

In this webinar you will learn how to:

  • Use drive cycles to derive desired machine characteristics
  • Select the optimum operating points to focus on for machine design
  • Compute the impact of design changes at the subcomponent and at the system level
  • Consider thermal characteristics and the noise and vibrations characteristics of the machine throughout the design process
  • Implement an integrated design process

About the speakers

Meet the speakers

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Tanvir Rahman

Product Manager, Electric Machines

Tanvir has worked extensively on the design and development of electric motors for the last 12 years as a product manager, researcher, software developer, and application engineer. Between 2013 and 2016, Tanvir worked as a research engineer at McGill University’s Computer and Electrical Engineering Department in the Automotive Partnership Canada (APC) project, where he worked with industrial partners to deliver R&D results for commercial development. Tanvir obtained his Ph. D. in computational physics from McGill University in 2006.

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Gaëtan Damblanc

Powertrain Electrification Product Manager

Gaëtan's responsibilities span battery modeling, electric machines design, and electromagnetics to help develop solutions needed for the future xEVs. He is also responsible for the dissemination of best practice usage of these solutions. He worked previously as a Simcenter battery technical specialist.

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Lionel Broglia

Business Development Manager

Lionel is the Business Development Manager for System simulation activities, focusing on the electrification of ground transportation. He has a master's degree in mechanical engineering and has been involved in multi-domain system simulation since 1999.