In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice but in practice there is. This saying holds great value during Silicon bring-up stage in the semiconductor industry. There is a sea of difference in how product engineering executes test on ATE and how it is envisaged by the DFT engineer. The gulf between the two roles has many loopholes and can result in inefficient execution followed by missing the all-important product window.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice but in practice there is. This saying holds great value during the silicon bring-up stage in the semiconductor industry. There is a sea of difference in how product engineering executes test on ATE and how it is envisaged by the DFT engineer. The gulf between the two roles has many loopholes and can result in inefficient execution followed by missing the all-important product window.
In this regard, there are several logistical and technical problems that create challenges:
In addition to above mentioned parameters, performance characterization of silicon is vital for rapid yield ramp-up and improved time to market.
Key takeaways for you from this session:
Who can benefit from the webinar:
Corporate Application Engineer - DFT
Kaushik is a Corporate Application Engineer working in DFT profile for Siemens EDA, India. Kaushik supports customers in MBIST and SiliconInsight domains. He holds a Masters degree in VLSI from Vellore Institute of Technology.