
Data and process management for part manufacturing using Teamcenter X

Geschätzte Wiedergabezeit 60 Minuten


Manufacturing workers collaborating on a job

Running a machine shop today presents numerous challenges, from fierce competition to demanding customer requirements and operating in siloed processes such as standalone CAM, CAD, additive & CMM and quality inspection systems. To address these industry challenges, Teamcenter X, cloud-based solution in the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio, offers a comprehensive suite of tools to address these topics head-on. With Teamcenter X Part Manufacturing, the management of machining, additive, and CMM data is taken to a new level, allowing manufacturers to deliver manufacturing data directly from planning to the shop floor, eliminating duplicate data and ensuring the correct data is used in production.

Learn how Teamcenter X for Part Manufacturing integrates shop floor applications, such as tool data management, to streamline operations and enhance productivity. Join Siemens digital manufacturing experts in this webinar to learn how your machine shop can boost your process management for part manufacturing with Teamcenter X to drive business growth in today's competitive landscape.

Vorstellung der Referenten

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Corsin Buerer

Director Part Manufacturing Products

Corsin oversees the global product direction of Siemens Digital Industries Software part manufacturing applications. His expertise lies in part manufacturing end-to-end processes, boasting over three decades of hands-on experience collaborating with numerous clients spanning various industries.

Siemens Digital Industries Software

David Lyell

Senior Manufacturing Marketing Specialist

David Lyell ist Marketingleiter für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. Er entwickelt Inhalte, die bei Unternehmen Anklang finden, wenn sie nach Lösungen suchen, die ihren aktuellen und zukünftigen Anforderungen entsprechen. Vor seiner Zeit bei Siemens war David Lyell in der gesamten Fertigungsbranche tätig, von der Produktion bis hin zur Branchenberichterstattung in Print- und digitalen Medien.

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