
A comprehensive digital solution to heavy equipment design challenges

Contain complexity and maximize innovation with a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach


Two engineers at a construction site looking at a blueprint

Heavy equipment OEMs and suppliers face an ever-changing set of challenges as they bring the next generation of machines to market. Customer expectations have never been higher thanks to competitive pressure, regulatory environments and emerging technologies that drive more complexity into designs. How do you deliver what customers want today, while still having the bandwidth to develop what they’ll need tomorrow?

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Why a comprehensive multi-disciplinary approach is needed to contain complexity and speed project delivery
  • How an integrated design, engineering, and manufacturing platform unlocks the ability to incorporate greater innovation
  • What’s possible when you add AI and cloud functionality

Join this webinar with Siemens Digital Industries Software experts to see how the comprehensive digital twin can help you build cohesive designs, manage related data and maintain standards compliance to overcome challenges and deliver machines of the future.

Vorstellung der Referenten

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Thomas Spangler

Senior Marketing Manager, Product Engineering Software

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Hendrik Lange

Industry Lead, Heavy Equipment

Hendrik Lange ist Industry Lead Heavy Equipment Industry bei Siemens Digital Industries Software. In seiner Rolle konzentriert sich Hendrik darauf, die strategische Ausrichtung von DI SW für diese Branche voranzutreiben. Dazu gehören die Go-to-Market-Aktivitäten und die Definition der spezifischen Lösung für Schwermaschinen, um unseren Kunden einen Mehrwert zu bieten.

Zuvor war Hendrik als Global Solution Director für die Automobil- und Transportindustrie verantwortlich, war für das Marketing der Automobilindustrie in EMEA zuständig und arbeitete in verschiedenen Rollen in den Bereichen Pre-Sales, Post-Sales und Business Consulting in Deutschland.

Bevor er 1999 zu Siemens kam, arbeitete Hendrik für EDS in Deutschland und in Charlotte, NC. Hendrik verfügt über einen Master-Abschluss (Dipl.-Ing.) in Maschinenbau.