Today, automotive companies strive to get electric and autonomous sustainable vehicles to market faster, testing their resilience and adaptability. This push is driving unprecedented production challenges that require a visionary response as traditional manufacturing processes buckle under the demands of modern complexities. The shift towards electric vehicles challenges you to rethink or retool traditional plants, retrain staff, and manage a more complex supply chain while meeting regulatory requirements and multiple product configurations.
In this webinar, we'll explore how you can transform your operations with cutting-edge manufacturing solutions to deliver high-quality products on time, all the time. Siemens Smart Manufacturing solutions enable flexible, efficient, and sustainable operations by updating and connecting plant processes, people, and next-level automation. Watch the on-demand webinar to learn more.
Digital Enterprise Strategy and Portfolio Management
Srinivasan is responsible for “Digital Enterprise Strategy and Portfolio management” at Siemens AG, Digital Industries, and is based in Germany.
Srinivasan is a passionate engineer and management professional with rich international experience in management consulting, strategy, business development, portfolio management, project management, sales, and marketing. He has successfully managed diverse businesses and cross-functional teams to inspire, drive and achieve operational excellence.
In his current role, Srinivasan actively shapes Siemens Digital Enterprise portfolio / innovative solutions to address industry-specific challenges and truly impact customers, society, and the environment. He leverages Siemens technology with purpose to accelerate digital transformation and drive sustainable industrial innovations – saving our finite resources with infinite data.
With Siemens Digital Enterprise Suite, he supports companies of all sizes with the right products and consistent solutions and services for integrating and digitalizing the entire value chain.
Srinivasan has a strong academic track record with a Master of Business Administration and Bachelor in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (University gold medalist).
Vedoucí řešení pro odvětví automobilového průmyslu a dopravy
Greg Roth je vedoucím řešení pro odvětví automobilového průmyslu a dopravy ve skupině Industries Group ve společnosti Siemens Digital Industries Software.
Dříve působil ve společnostech Ford Motor Company, Eaton Corporation a Amcor Packaging. Nedávno působil také jako hlavní inženýr oddělení CAE a NVH ve společnosti ZF-TRW Automotive North America Braking Systems v Livonii ve státě Michigan.
V rámci své současné funkce se věnuje technologiím a procesům CAD, CAE a PLM a nabízí je společnostem na globální úrovni, čímž jim pomáhá dosáhnout výrazného snížení nákladů a času na vývoj výrobků a zároveň zlepšit celkovou kvalitu výrobků.
Greg Roth získal titul M.S. v oboru strojního inženýrství na Michiganské univerzitě, titul M.S. v oboru elektroniky a počítačového řízení na univerzitě Wayne State University a titul B.S. v oboru strojního inženýrství na Michiganské státní univerzitě.