Use Simcenter SCADAS XS and Simcenter Testlab Scope App to enhance sound and vibration troubleshooting measurements
Product development teams now work with shorter timelines and have reduced budgets to develop quieter, more comfortable, more powerful, and long-lasting products. Moreover, governments are imposing stricter regulations on noise and vibration levels, mandating the development of more sustainable products.
Such demanding situations necessitate strategizing in a way that can skip going through the traditional cycle of outsourcing to third parties, reworking products, and sending the revised products back for testing. The required capabilities must be brought in-house.
Product development teams must be able to quickly assess products while accessing detailed engineering data. Such capabilities enable engineering analysis that facilitates faster and better decision-making while allowing teams to align with the ongoing expectations and demands of customers, governments, and the overall business environment.
For the requirements described above, developing the required capabilities is made possible through a sound and vibration lab adept at promptly assessing the measurements and delivering the necessary insights and inferences available for the teams.
For small and medium businesses (SMBs), setting up enormous labs with bulky equipment to record and test data may be challenging, so they must rely on state-of-the-art solutions that use one platform for sound and vibration testing. Such solutions, which come with compact, scalable hardware, and require limited investments in tools and training, offer a variety of use cases to SMBs. Troubleshooting is one such use case, as it empowers businesses and teams to stay at the forefront of the market and consistently deliver better products.
Join our webinar on “Maximizing Testing Flexibility and Troubleshooting” to learn more about the sound and vibration lab’s importance and how SMBs can use it for troubleshooting products.
Webinar Topics:
Manažer pro rozvoj obchodu ve strojírenství
Frank Demesmaeker vystudoval v roce 1994 stavební inženýrství na Katholieke Universiteit Leuven v Belgii a začal pracovat ve společnosti LMS International, která je nyní součástí společnosti Siemens, na pozici technické podpory pro zákazníky v oblasti Beneluxu. V průběhu let získal hluboké znalosti a praktické zkušenosti s problematikou hluku a vibrací od zákazníků z celého světa, a to jak z technického a obchodního hlediska, tak z pohledu marketingu. Frank v současné době pomáhá, propaguje a ladí testovací aplikace na trzích, jako jsou energetika, zdravotnictví, spotřební zboží, loďařství, vzdělávací instituce a širší trh se strojními zařízeními.
Product Manager for Acoustics
Agnieszka Oltarzewska is the Product Manager for Acoustics in Siemens Digital Industries Software. She has a Master of Science degree in Acoustics from the Wroclaw University of Technology in Poland. She currently resides in Leuven, Belgium. Her work focuses on cross-industry solutions for sound quality engineering and acoustic material characterization.