webinář na vyžádání

Develop the digital enterprise with low-code industry-specific applications


How to build industry-specific apps using low-code

One size does not fit all. Neither does one app. With low-code, organizations can build application that solves the specific problem they face in their industry.

Low-code application development has been around for more than a decade. Its entry to the Industrial space is rather new and many questions remain about how it can be used to solve complex problems. For organizations who have experience with low-code development, this is the point they can scale solutions and systems that transform them into a digital enterprise.

You will learn:

  • How to identify the best use cases for your industry
  • How to leverage partners and domain experts to develop industry apps
  • How to respond to business, operational and customer needs in days, not months 
  • How to translate critical intellectual property and know-how into personalized, modern, flexible applications and solutions

Související zdroje informací

Průvodce digitální transformací nízkého kódu

Průvodce digitální transformací nízkého kódu

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Vyplňování mezer digitální transformace

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